A Convenient Scandal Read online

Page 12

  “I can’t have a chef who makes mistakes like that,” he said to them. “It’s business.”

  “I see. You never made any mistakes.” Nona’s expression was all too knowing. As if she’d witnessed some of the hell he’d lived through. “No one ever counted you out? Treated you like you were dirt and then kicked you to the curb?”

  His jaw dropped. How did she know all of that?

  “Nona’s right. Give her another chance,” Flora said. “She’s the one for you.”

  Alana smacked her lips. “You think she has any more of those ravioli in the kitchen?”

  The old women were right. Michele’s food tonight was sparking with magic. She was consistent with every dish except the dipping sauce.

  Why had she messed it up? It didn’t make sense.

  * * *

  Michele was beside herself. What had happened? She hadn’t used habanero chilis since the night she made the grilled cheese sandwich for Jeff. Someone had put those peppers in her dish.

  She quickly rushed to make a specialty that the crowd would love. The only secret ingredients in the dessert would be the love and grief she was feeling right now. The passion for cooking had come back to her because Jeff had brought the magic back into her life. She was full of gratitude for that fact alone. But it was more than that. She was falling for him, hard. She knew he didn’t think he could give her what she needed, but part of her wanted him anyway. Okay, most of her wanted him anyway. Even if she couldn’t have him. And now she wouldn’t have the job she needed, either. Jeff was sending her home.

  She blinked back tears. How had things gotten so messed up?

  At least the dessert was delicious. She tasted it to make sure and decided it was time to bring the guests in. The only number at Casa Larga that Michele had in her cell phone was to the Batcave.

  Alfred, will you please tell Jeff to send the guests to the great hall?

  Sure, Miss. I’ll send up the Bat Signal.

  The group came into the hall, filling it quickly. She was relieved that they’d all stayed because she was scared she’d ruined things for Jeff. She’d been so proud of him as he talked about his project. It was clear he was meant to create hotels, just as she’d been meant to create great food. Even if she’d lost track of herself along the way.

  Michele stood behind the long table and encouraged the crowd to come forward to take a bowl. “This dessert is called ‘zabaglione.’ It is an Italian custard with some of my own special spices and marsala wine. Don’t worry, nothing hot in this, just sweet and—”

  “Delicioso,” a woman said after taking her first bite. “This is amazing.”

  People started talking at once.

  “Oh, my.”

  “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted!”

  “Fantastic. You’ve got to try this.”

  The rave reviews continued until someone in the crowd clapped and soon the room erupted in applause. They loved her dessert. Her heart melted. She’d made something everyone loved.

  “Hey.” Jeff stepped up to the table. “Can I talk to you?”

  Her eyes welled. She blinked quickly, determined to keep things professional even as she walked out the door. She’d gone from needing this job financially, to wanting to help Jeff succeed in his grand and wonderful adventure. And now all of it was over.

  “Of course. Take a bowl of zabaglione, too.”

  He took a bite. The look that spread across his face was mesmerizing. It was like a wave of happiness and joy. She wished he always looked like that.

  What she didn’t see? Shock. It was as if he’d known she could cook like this and had just been waiting for her to figure it out.

  “Tastes like light, creamy heaven. Simply poetic. Welcome back.”

  She blushed with delight. “Thank you.”

  He took her hand. “Come with me.”

  It seemed like they were leaving the great hall. Was this it? Jeff was escorting her off the property?

  They passed Tonia eating a bowlful of zabaglione in the corner. Her pretty face twisted with white-hot anger.

  “Wait for me,” he said to Michele. “I need to talk to Tonia.”

  Oh. Michele understood what this meant—Tonia had won the chef’s competition. Michele was heartbroken. She wanted Jeff to have the best chef but something about Tonia made her feel like she had to watch her back. She’d lost the chance to be Jeff’s chef. It was over. Did this mean she would never see him again? Never touch him. Listen to his deep voice, his laughter. Kiss his beautiful lips.

  Walking over to Tonia, she heard Jeff say, “You don’t like the zabaglione?”

  “Not one bit. Why did Miss Nicey-Nice get a do-over?” Tonia spoke loudly to ensure that Michele heard her.

  He crossed his arms. “My competition, my rules.”

  She scowled. “I didn’t mess up my hors d’oeuvres, and yet I didn’t get to make a dessert. She gets special treatment, has since night one. That’s not fair.”

  “You mean fair like when you lied to me about being able to ride horses? It was clear you’d never been on a horse and yet you told me you rode them on your grandfather’s ranch every summer.” His tone was loaded with sarcasm.

  “That was different. I explained it had been a while. I was rusty. I thought you understood.”

  “About the horses, yes. Not the habaneros.”

  Tonia put her hands on her hips. “Excuse me?”

  “How did you know to use those specific peppers to sabotage Michele’s dish?”

  Michele could see the hardening around Tonia’s eyes. She was furious. “What are you implying?”

  “I don’t imply. I state. You spied on us ‘night one’ when I had Michele make the grilled cheese sandwiches.”

  Tonia blustered. “That’s ridiculous. It wasn’t me.”

  “Another lie. The cameras caught you on tape. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt for I, of all people, know how that feels, but it sure seemed like you were spying on us. Whatever the case, you did see Michele use those peppers and you’d know that I’d remember, too. It was easy to frame her that way.”

  Michele stood beside Jeff, facing Tonia. “You did it? Why?”

  Tonia’s dark eyes flared with anger. “Why do you think, Sex Kitten? You clouded his vision, made it so that no one else had a chance to win.”

  Jeff faced Michele. “She’s right. You do cloud my vision so that I can’t see anyone but you. You’re my choice, Michele. Please, stay.”

  * * *

  Angel and Cristina were on their way to the building site when RW texted.

  Come to the great hall.

  Okay. We’ll be right there.

  “I guess the party was moved inside,” Angel said to Cristina. They were just about to enter the hall when Cristina grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the corridor.

  “Oh, my God. Antonia is here,” Cristina whispered.

  “What? No, that’s impossible.” Poor Cristina was so frightened that she was seeing gang members everywhere she looked.

  “Look over there. The woman with the dark hair in the corner talking to that tall redheaded guy. That’s her. I can see the cuchillo mark on her from here.”

  Angel leaned over carefully and peeked. It was the same young woman Angel had seen snooping around in RW’s wing. She’d thought she recognized her voice. And sure enough, the woman had a knife tattoo behind her ear. She gripped Cristina’s shoulder as if her ex-boyfriend’s blade had stopped her own heart.

  “What do we do?” Cristina asked.

  There was no question, Angel had to protect the ones she loved. Where was RW? Taking out her cell phone with trembling hands, she texted him.

  The woman talking to Jeff is Cuchillo’s sister!

  * * *

  Jeff was furious. How dare Tonia sabotage Michele.

/>   “We’re done here. Tonia, pack your things and—” Jeff began.

  “Don’t move!” a guard said, his gun drawn and pointed at Tonia. Two more guards joined him. Several people in the crowd cried out in fear and everyone scattered behind him.

  “What are you doing? This is unnecessary,” Jeff said. “Put your guns away.”

  Seeing guards and guns, Tonia lunged and grabbed Michele. Before Jeff had blinked, Tonia had a knife to Michele’s throat.

  “Get back,” Tonia yelled. “All of you.”

  Michele’s eyes were wide and pinned to him. The fear in them slashed him.

  “Everyone, calm down!” Jeff lifted his hands and willed Tonia to look at him. “Let Michele go and you can walk out of here. No one will stop you.”

  “Sorry, son, but she can’t leave.” Suddenly, Dad was beside him, whispering so that only Jeff could hear, “She’s one of Cuchillo’s gang members. She’ll kill Angel.”

  Jeff stopped breathing. His Michele was in the arms of a killer.

  “I walk out of here now. Understand me?” Tonia snarled. Her blade looked deadly.

  Jeff’s heart hit the floor. “Don’t hurt her!”

  To Tonia, RW said in an incredibly controlled voice, “We don’t even know why you’re here. Why pull this elaborate charade in my home?”

  “I told you in my application video. Family is everything. Something was stolen from my brother a long time ago. He wants it back.”

  “I know you’re looking for Angel. She’s not here,” RW said.

  Tonia’s gaze swung from Jeffrey’s to RW’s and back again. “Liar. Your PI said you’re hiding her.”

  Jeff swallowed hard. RW’s private investigator had been killed by the gang. Had they made him talk?

  “Angel’s here. I can feel it. Since she liked horses, we thought she might be working in your stables. The chef interview was the opportunity to snoop around. Plus, I wanted to win.”

  “Get the hell out of my home!” RW roared. “Tell your brother to leave my family alone or I will come for him. Got that, Antonia? Cuchillo has never met a man like me. I’ll send that bastard straight to hell.”

  Tonia’s eyes widened at the threat. She released Michele and ran out the door. Michele slumped to her knees.

  “I’ve got you, sweetheart.” Jeff scooped her up and carried her to the couch. She’d been nicked. “Get me a clean cloth!” he yelled to the crowd. “Someone call the doctor.”

  RW sent one of the guards to follow Tonia and find the rock Cuchillo was living under. Cuchillo’s gang had a knack for slipping off the grid and RW had lost the trail when they murdered his private investigator.

  “Where’s Angel?” one of the sisters said.

  “Oh, Jeff. Did I ruin your night?” Michele’s voice was so soft.

  “No, sweetheart. You did everything right.” Jeff held the cloth to Michele’s cut and applied pressure. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might explode. After a few minutes he checked the cut and was relieved to see it wasn’t bleeding badly. “You’re going to be okay, sweetheart.” He wanted to carry her out of there and straight to his bed. He’d been so afraid for her and now he just wanted to touch her everywhere. Taste her. Feel her heart beating strongly against his bare chest.

  “I was so scared,” Michele said softly. She reached up and put her hand on his cheek.

  “I know. Me, too.” He ran the pad of his thumb along her cheek. He kissed her then, deeply, filling up all the dark wounds in his thundering heart, and let the world fall away.


  Jeff had canceled his date for last night. No great loss. He hadn’t been too excited about it anyway.

  Right now, he was concerned about keeping Michele safe. He could have lost her and that thought alone terrified him.

  After the doctor had checked her out and determined the flesh wound didn’t need stitches, Michele said good-night and Jeff walked her to her room. He wanted her in his bed but didn’t say so because she seemed exhausted. He bunked down in the room next to hers in case she had nightmares or needed anything. He didn’t sleep a wink because he was replaying the whole evening, trying to figure out what he would have done differently. He wasn’t impressed with his performance but Michele had been strong, courageous and thoughtful from the start of the catered event to the dramatic end. Her food, other than the sabotaged dipping sauce, was artistic and delicious.

  Chloe had been right—the best chef had risen to the top. There was no doubt in his mind that Michele Cox was the chef for him. She’d proved that she was ready for the job and had bravely conquered her insecurities.

  Jeff, on the other hand, was even more worried because the closer he got to Michele, the more he realized he was the wrong man for her. Hell, he and his screwed-up family had almost gotten her killed! He wouldn’t have forgiven himself if Tonia had hurt her badly. He cared about Michele, wanted her, needed her more than he dared admit, but she couldn’t fall in love with him. He wouldn’t let her. It would kill him to hurt her like his father and mother had hurt one another. He wouldn’t allow that to happen. He would have to get married to someone else.

  When he heard her rustling around in her room, he knocked on the door.

  Her expression was a mixture of happiness and surprise. “Jeff! Good morning.”

  He leaned against the door frame and breathed in her freshly showered scent. “Are you feeling okay?”

  She touched the small Band-Aid on her neck. “Yes. I’m fine. It was just a scratch.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Good. I’ve got plans for you. Thought we’d better get an early start.”

  Her brow creased. “Am I cooking or are we going on another outing?”

  “Neither. You deserve a break. Plus, it has come to my attention that you’ve never been on a yacht before. And, as far as I can tell, you have not spent the day on the Harpers’ private beach up the coast.”

  Her smile was so damned beautiful. “I can’t say I have done either of those things, no.”

  He shook his head. “We’ll have to rectify the situation immediately. Wear something warm for the morning and pack your bathing suit and a towel. I’ll provide the picnic lunch. We need to celebrate your new job, Chef Cox.”

  Her mouth opened. “You really meant it last night?”

  “Of course. I mean it this morning, too. I choose you, Michele. You’re my chef.”

  She squealed and threw her arms around his neck. He stumbled backward, emotion warring inside him. Finally, he wrapped his arms around her and hung on. He kissed her right there in the hallway with her feet off the ground.

  It seemed as if he couldn’t stop kissing Michele Cox. His new chef. The woman he wanted but couldn’t marry. What in the hell was he going to do?

  * * *

  His yacht was amazing. So much rich, dark wood and shiny metal. It looked like it was brand-new. It was the biggest boat she’d ever seen and she was surprised when he called it “the small one.” Apparently, RW had several yachts all over the world. She couldn’t fathom it. But she did love being on the gorgeous vessel and was lulled by the movement and the peaceful sea.

  They’d been cruising up the coastline for twenty minutes already, close enough to shore so she could see the jagged edge of the bluffs and the coves. She wished they could keep going to San Francisco, or Hawaii, until she remembered she had a job to do in Plunder Cove. She didn’t have to dream of running away anymore. She’d be living in paradise and working in the career she loved again.

  She’d figure out a way to bring Cari to Plunder Cove, too. Surely, there was a group home nearby who could take her. It would take Cari a while to readjust to the new place but Michele was sure her sister would love digging her toes into the sand and meeting the horses the Harpers owned.

  And getting to sail on the blue Pacific with Mr. Sexy was a nice perk
. She understood why he had pushed her away for a week. He was busy with the restaurant, and the competition had been difficult. Plus, he was distancing himself because they were two people who wanted different things. She agreed it was best they didn’t spend too much time together because her silly heart always wanted more. She kept reminding herself that Jeff didn’t want to, or was unable to, give her more of himself. She needed to be realistic. This connection they had wasn’t going to last.

  “Want to drive?” he asked.

  “Can I?” She felt like a kid being handed the car keys for the first time.

  “Come on over.” He stepped back and made room for her. Tentatively, she put her hands on the wheel.

  “Relax. It’s easy.” His deep voice rumbled in her ear, sending delicious shivers up into her scalp. And then he put his hands on her shoulders.

  Relax? Her body heated up and her thoughts zeroed in on the way his large hands felt on her. Why had she worn a sweatshirt? She wanted his hands on her skin. He pressed into her and she could feel his hard stomach muscles against her back. How she wanted him. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. Her eyes flew open again when she remembered she was driving his expensive boat.

  Besides, she had no business enjoying his hands on her body or daydreaming about his lips. She was going to be working for him and didn’t have any idea what impact their new working relationship would have on their...situation. She didn’t really know what to call their relationship.

  They had smoking hot chemistry but that was the easy part. The dangerous part. When she was close to him she wanted to climb into his lap, let herself go, and take him with her to ecstasy. It was going to be hard enough working for him and wanting to kiss him every day, but she couldn’t relax and let down her guard or she’d fall hard for him. She was already tilting heavily in that direction with her feet slipping. One more of his sizzling, mind-melting kisses might topple her defenses.

  Giving in to her desire for him again could only end badly for her. He’d made it clear that he wouldn’t fall for her. She’d be a fool not to believe his warning. No matter how many times she fantasized about Jeff Harper, he wasn’t her dream man. He’d eventually marry someone else and she...she’d have to let him go. Which was going to be incredibly difficult now that she would be working for him.